> Well, first I can to "if X == Student: ...", and I know the fields will be
> there.
> Second, User will have no additional properties (as I understand), but once
> I do "Model --> User" relations ALL users will have that property. So each
> user might have the .course property, AND the .subject property (which might
> be for teachers), AND the .function property, which might be for
> administrative staff (I'm making things up here :). So all properties would
> be present, they may not be mandatory, cause a teacher is never part of a
> course, so I have to ensure data consistency in the application logic. That
> sucks.
> Subclassing relieves me from this just nicely, AND this is the mother of all
> prototype examples of OOP - base class, specialized subclasses. The only
> thing more cliché would be "Car" -> "Van" / "Compact" / ... .

I subclass a lot of stuff in Django. It's useful, I agree. I'm ALL
about OOP.

My gut tells me to leave that stuff out of Auth.User.  If you were
extending the authorization / authentication aspects of it, I would
agree. You're adding courses though which does not at all sound like a
good idea to me.

Course should be a model and it should have a manytomany field for
users or other intermediate table if you need more attributes on the
relationship itself.

"Well, first I can to "if X == Student: ...", and I know the fields
will be there."
You can do that as well with groups by adding the information as they
are added to the group. (signals, etc).

"...but once I do "Model --> User" relations ALL users will have that
Well, all users will be able to query the attribute but it will just
be null.

some_dude = Users.objects.get(username='the_dude')
courses = some_dude.course_set.all()

Anyhow - the real deal breaker for me is overlapping user types. If
that's not a problem, you'll probably be fine in making it work.

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