Is there a way we can check if a certain file being uploaded is really
what it claims to be?
Let's say I want to restrict files to PDF only, then I take a php
script and I rename it PDF I can still upload it if using the
following custom FileField that I just worked out yesterday:
from django.db.models import FileField
from django.forms import forms
from django.template.defaultfilters import filesizeformat
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _

class ContentTypeRestrictedFileField(FileField):
    Same as forms.FileField, but you can specify a content_type and
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.content_types = kwargs.pop("content_types")
        self.max_upload_size = kwargs.pop("max_upload_size")

        super(ContentTypeRestrictedFileField, self).__init__(*args,

    def clean(self, *args, **kwargs):
        data = super(ContentTypeRestrictedFileField,
self).clean(*args, **kwargs)

        file = data.file
        content_type = file.content_type

        if content_type in self.content_types:
            if file._size > self.max_upload_size:
                raise forms.ValidationError(_('Please keep filesize
under %s. Current filesize %s') %
(filesizeformat(self.max_upload_size), filesizeformat(file._size)))
            raise forms.ValidationError(_('The only filetype allowed
is PDF.'))

        return data

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