I got sick of TinyMCE and switched to jQuery wysiwyg

sorry this is just posted raw like this, but here it is.
I should wrap it up on github.

requires http://code.google.com/p/jwysiwyg/

and the 3 files stated below to be in your compress stack or on your

from django import forms
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
import simplejson as json

# requires
    # 'shared/js/jquery.wysiwyg.js',
    # 'shared/css/jquery.wysiwyg.css',
    # 'shared/css/jquery.wysiwyg.modal.css',

class JWYSIWYGFormField(forms.fields.Field):

    def __init__(self, cols=80,rows=10,params=None,*args, **kwargs):
        self.widget =
        super(JWYSIWYGFormField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

class JWYSIWYGWidget(forms.TextInput):

    def __init__(self, cols,rows,params=None,attrs=None):
        final_attrs = {'cols':cols,'rows':rows}
        if attrs:
        self.params = params


    def render(self, name, value, attrs=None):

        # attrs is for the form field
        subs = {}
        subs['id'] = "id_" + name
        subs['name'] = name
        if value is not None:
            subs['value'] = value
            subs['value'] = ""

        subs['cols'] = attrs.get('cols',self.attrs['cols'])
        subs['rows'] = attrs.get('rows',self.attrs['rows'])

        # no separators yet
        # button_rows = [BUTTON_PALETTE[group] for group in
        params = {}
        defaults = dict(
              strikeThrough= True,
              underline    = True,

              separator00= False,

              justifyLeft  = True,
              justifyCenter= True,
              justifyRight = False,
              justifyFull  = False,

              separator01= False,

              indent = True,
              outdent= True,

              separator02= False,

              subscript  = False,
              superscript= False,

              separator03= False,

              undo= False,
              redo= False,

              separator04= False,
              resizeOptions = {},
              insertOrderedList   = False,
              insertUnorderedList = True,
              insertHorizontalRule= False,
              h1 = False,
              h2 = False,
              h3 = True,
              table = False,

              separator07= False,

              cut  = False,
              copy = False,
              paste= False)

        defaults.update(self.params or {})
        for p,v in defaults.iteritems():
            if type(v) == bool:
                params[p] = { 'visible': v }
                params[p] = v

        subs['params'] = json.dumps({'controls':params})
        subs['button'] = "<input type='button' id='edit_html_%s'
value='Edit HTML' />" % subs['id']
        subs['button_code'] = """$('#edit_html_%
        """ % {'id':subs['id']}

        template = u"""<textarea id="%(id)s" name="%(name)s" cols="%
(cols)s" rows="%(rows)s">%(value)s</textarea><script type="text/
javascript">$(function(){  $('#%(id)s').wysiwyg(%(params)s);%

        return mark_safe(template % subs)

On Sep 21, 5:41 pm, Sithembewena Lloyd Dube <zebr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Has anybody intergrated a WYSIWYG editor in the admin of a Django 1.2.1.
> site? I have tried django-wysiwyg and TinyMCE to no avail. I need something
> with concise, up-to-date documentation.
> If anybody has done this, please recommend and also point to the docs?
> Thanks.
> --
> Regards,
> Sithembewena Lloyd Dubehttp://www.lloyddube.com

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