My first post on this list. I wish to try out a blogging app developed
in Django, called Mango, and according to its instructions I just need
to get Django installed. I'm looking for a little guidance with this.
Also, I'd like to determine just what kind of mess I've created with
my attempts at installation so far.

I'm essentially a non-programmer, though I don't mind using the
Terminal in OS X now and then, and I've learned a little PHP. I heard
Mango mentioned on the Markdown discussion list.

Steps taken so far:

1. Per instructions at, I downloaded
Django-1.2.3.tar.gz (to my desktop, since no destination was

2. Uploaded it to my domain via FTP. Again, since the docs mention no
destination, I put it in the same directory as my home page. I know
this is probably not the location the developers intended, but,
finding no mention of what they DO intend, I figured this location
would either cause the subsequent steps to work or harmlessly fail.

3. Consulted my host's instructions on how to open an SSH connection,
and, using Terminal, navigated to the Django file I'd uploaded.

4. Per instructions at for "Installing an official
release", I ran "tar xzvf Django-1.2.3.tar.gz", changed to the new
Django directory, and ran "sudo python install". When
authentication failed (and for what reason, I have no idea, as I used
the same password), I ran "python install" instead.

5. A lot of stuff went by on the screen, and I saw that one of the
last lines said that the command to modify "python/site-packages" (OR
denial of permission.

Well, my home page still is up, and I haven't received any calls or
emails from my ISP (the always-excellent Tiger Technologies, at So even though the install command made SOMETHING
happen, it appears harmless for now. But I'd really like to know what
I just did to my server and its files, not to mention my bits of MySQL
database left over from playing with WordPress and Sphider.

If nothing else comes of this, I'd like to at least point out that the
Django documentation assumes a lot of prior knowledge about these
things. It may be common knowledge for programmers, but not for
everyone who might wish to try out a Django-dependent app.

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