I think that I'd start by making a clone, on some development box,
run using the development server, but with SUB_SITE='perf/'.
The removes the most glaring difference between your development
and production versions.  If it fails there you have full recourse to
print statements and pdb.

That said, you could also try turning on DEBUG, temporarily, in the
production instance.  This will give you the friendly list of url patterns
tried, and what they were trying to match.  Hopefully.  And it might
just be obvious from there.


On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 6:02 PM, dclaar <douggoo...@claar.org> wrote:
> I'm having a problem where admin of my models works fine in the
> development server, but fails in production, where I'm using mod_wsgi.
> Here's the relevant parts of my urls.py:
> from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
> from django.contrib import admin
> admin.autodiscover()
> from django.conf import settings
> urlpatterns=patterns('',
>    (r'%sadmin/' %settings.SUB_SITE, include(admin.site.urls)),
> )
> For production, SUB_SITE='', for development, SUB_SITE = 'perf/'. This
> is part of the whole "make django run in a sub-directory" dance. It
> works for most everything, including things such as perf/admin/sites/
> site/, and it even works for perf/admin/manager/testbeds/, showing all
> of the testbeds in the DB. But if I try to add, or click on one of the
> entries to change it, I get "No TestBed matches the given query" (and
> that's it, even though I have DEBUG turned on) in production. But when
> I try to troubleshoot it with the development server, it works just
> fine! This is frustrating...
> So, how do I figure out why these are operating differently, and to
> fix it? I'm not ever sure what query that it is talking about!
> Thanks,
> Doug
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