Apologies if this is a bit off-topic, but Django has it's roots in
online news, so I thought this would be relevant to some folks on this

Mozilla, Hacks/Hackers, Medill School at Northwestern University, and
The Media Consortium are collaborating to run a free online course for
journalists and programmers on the Peer-to-peer University platform.
This is an experimental six-week course exploring the ways that
technology is changing news production and how professional
journalists & programmers can work together to innovate around these
changes. Here's the tentative course outline:

+ The fundamentals of journalism and coding
+ Project management
+ Edit it. Fork it. The art of collaboration and journalism
+ Big Ugly Datasets For Thumb-Fingered Journalists
+ Maps. Maps. Everywhere
+ Data journalism and government

You can read more here: http://p2pu.org/general/open-journalism-open-web

We are specifically looking for a few more programmers with an
interest in learning about journalism to join the course, as we're
heavy on "hacks" and light on "hackers" at the moment. We'd really
like to have an equal number so that folks can work in teams -- you
know, like pair programming.  ;-)  If you're interested, contact me
directly here: http://p2pu.org/users/phillipadsmith  and let me know a
bit about yourself, your experience, what you might contribute to the
course, and what time zone you're in.

Many thanks in advance,


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