On 8/27/2010 2:07 PM, Bradley Hintze wrote:
> Ok, I hope I can explain my problem coherently :).
> In development I ran my web app fine. I have now put it in production
> (configured and running on apache). In my views.py file I passed
> global variables between different functions (views) beautifully
> during development (manage.py runserver). However, when I run it on
> apache it seems, from the error page (i have debug on), that I cannot
> pass global variables between view.py functions (maybe apache 'calls'
> a fresh 'instance' of views.py making the old variables 'unavailable'
> (please excuse any errors in my attempts to use correct vocabulary).
> Does this mak sense? if so, Is there a way around this such that I can
> use variables created in on view function in another?
> Bradley
In testing, it's most unlikely that different requests will be handled
by different processes. In production this is more or less inevitable.

If you want data to be accessible over time (and I presume you want each
user to have their own values associated with the global variable?) you
need to store the data in the session object. The server maintains a
separate session for each originating IP address (I think - close enough
for a beginner, anyway), so data from different users does not get mixed up.

DjangoCon US 2010 September 7-9 http://djangocon.us/

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