2010/8/27 Lachlan Musicman <data...@gmail.com>:
> It's a drunk russian beat poet that's lost his or her way, just ignore them.

That come out wrong on re reading. I didn't mean to offend if I did, apols.

> 2010/8/27 Олег Корсак <kamikaze.is.waiting....@gmail.com>:
>> English?
>> 27.08.2010 04:42, Vanger - irk пишет:
>>> не могу понять, как лучше реализовать определение того, что человек
>>> зашел сейчас с мобилы, и что мне нужно подсунуть ему мобильную
>>> версию ?
>>> Может быть кто-то уже реализовывал эти моменты?
> --
> These simple functions belong to a sub-class known as strictly
> dominating functions, meaning that their output is always bigger than
> their inputs. A striking fact, known as the complementation theorem,
> holds for all such functions. It says there is always an infinite
> collection of inputs that when fed into the function will produce a
> collection of outputs that is precisely the non-inputs.
> - http://bit.ly/d3Fsrw

These simple functions belong to a sub-class known as strictly
dominating functions, meaning that their output is always bigger than
their inputs. A striking fact, known as the complementation theorem,
holds for all such functions. It says there is always an infinite
collection of inputs that when fed into the function will produce a
collection of outputs that is precisely the non-inputs.
- http://bit.ly/d3Fsrw

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