Make sure that 'django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware' is listed
in your MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES. There's useful info about the things that
need to be in place in order for Django's CSRF protection to work at


On Aug 26, 12:36 am, Jonas Geiregat <> wrote:
> I'm using django-1.2.1 on Mac OS X.
> I'm trying out the comments framework that comes with django by default.
> I'm able to   {% load comments %} and   {% render_comment_list for post %}  
> and    {% render_comment_form for post %} .
> But when I try to post a message I get a 403 error:
> """
> CSRF verification failed. Request aborted.
> Help
> Reason given for failure:
>     CSRF token missing or incorrect.
> """
> I know that after the form tag there should be a csrf token template tag. Or 
> at least it should be generated and visible inside the HTML code. Which is 
> not there.
> So I looked where django lived by running: import django; django.__file__. 
> Looked in the contrib/comments/templates/comments/form.html file.
> Inside that file the I'm seeing "  <form action="{% comment_form_target %}" 
> method="post">{% csrf_token %}"
> So my question is; Why isn't the csrf_token generated ?
> Kind regards,
> Jonas Geiregat

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