On Aug 23, 1:54 pm, Oivvio Polite <oiv...@polite.se> wrote:
> Following advice on this list I've moved to virtualenv+pip to manage my
> django stack, which so far is working out nicely.
> But what should I do about standalone scripts? Say I have a project

You need to load up the current project environment at the top of your
script. I find this works well when running a script from the project
root directory, e.g.

$ cd proj_dir
$ python scripts/somescript.py

and with this at the top of the script:

# Set up Django environment
import sys,os

# These could be absolute rather than relative paths:

os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] ='someproj.settings'

from django.core.management import setup_environ
from someproj import settings


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