On 7/24/06, Alex Dong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Yanbo,
> Your script works amazingly well but switches between shell and python
> is, sometimes, a little annoying on my windows laptop. So I'm wondering
> are there any way to run the standard unittest.TestCase against the
> django model's we've created?

I almost forget how the script working after long time not using django :)
It's just a hack in order to use official django model test `runtests.py',
but it's ugly. The reason of maketests.sh exits is official runtests.py
can not handle the module which including class Admin, so i use maketests.sh
filter Admin and sync module file into tests directory.  If `Admin' not
breaking runtests.py (in fact, its `management.init_minimal()' i remember),
everything about tests will be easier.

In fact I wish django release a good built-in test framework like
zope3/twisted/etc. Using nose[1] to manage django's tests looks like
pretty good. At that moment, we can writing tests file in individual directory
`tests` and run command `nosetests' in application root directory to do
regression testing.  But I have not the ability to build this. Anyone want be
our hero to finish it?

[1] http://somethingaboutorange.com/mrl/projects/nose/

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