Hi all,

I've just used a proxy model in my own custom application and i've just
found a small problem. Right now, to be able to create a Proxy model, i'm
force to redefine a Meta options like that:

class NewDiscount(Discount):
    class Meta:
        proxy = True

The problem i have is that the original discount object defined the
following Meta options:

class Discount(models.Model):
    class Meta:
        verbose_name = _("Discount")
        verbose_name_plural = _("Discounts")
        unique_together = ('slug', 'amount')

Since i've overwritten the Meta class I should copy the original Meta
options inside my Proxy model like that:

class NewDiscount(Discount):
    class Meta:
        proxy = True
        verbose_name = _("Discount")
        verbose_name_plural = _("Discounts")
        unique_together = ('slug', 'amount')

But, when I'm doing that, Django throw me an error saying:

"store.discount: "unique_together" refers to site. This is not in the same
model as the unique_together statement."

It means that i can't add the unique_together clause in the Meta class cause
the fields are not directly the property of my proxy model !!!

How it's possible ? What should I do ?

Mathieu Leduc-Hamel

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