I haven't watched Graham's video, but here's what I typically do.

On 14 August 2010 15:39, John Yeukhon Wong <gokoproj...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I do plan to deploy the project on a UNIX server in the future, and I
> still do want to follow up with the previous discussion:
> So in general,
> 1. When I write a django project, for each project I need a different /
> apache/ and the content within? I know mod_wgics is a module we use to
> allow apache to run python.... but I am not clear how we actually use
> it.

On *nix, I typically create a separate user for each project, and
store the Django code, media, templates, and WSGI handler file in
there. Otherwise you can just create them in a single user's home.

I would then take advantage of the sites-available / sites-enabled
directory structure that is usually created by default inside
/etc/apache2 to configure rules for each website.

On Windows, I'd probably create C:\wwwroot (or something meaningful;
IIS uses inetpub), then create a directory for each project in there.
I would store the WSGI handler file inside the project directory. You
need to ensure the Apache user has read rights to access that
directory and its children.

I'm not sure where Apache settings are stored or how they are
structured though on Windows; easiest would probably be to store all
Apache config inside apache2.conf.

There is really no fixed structure necessary; apart from the directory
structure inside the Django project directory, it doesn't matter where
you put projects and the WSGI handler file.

All mod_wsgi is is a connector that Apache calls on when the
particular config rules are matched. mod_wsgi will then call load and
execute the WSGI handler file, which will in turn fire up Django and
process the request.

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