thanx, I'll look at that =)

On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 12:31 PM, Xavier Ordoquy <>wrote:

> It is a bit trickier.
> Pinax application gets all their dependancies through pip installation and
> requirement files.
> If you have a pinax application, take a look in the requirements directory.
> You'll find two files (base.txt and project.txt) that tell exactly what
> application to get and what versions are needed.
> Pinax does all the bootstrap processing, so once you installed a pinax
> application, you already have a working environment.
> Your application is based on the same common set with Pinax application.
> However, if you copied the code, you didn't went thought pinax bootstraping
> operations which would have installed all the required applications with the
> correct versions.
> It happens that I am unable to make your application work on osx and Linux
> with the latest stable django-timezones (0.1.x).
> However, using the version that Pinax requires (0.2.dev1) it works on both
> linux and osx.
> However, you may find other differences if your environments are different.
> Please google for virtualenv and pip to get the same environment on your
> various development boxes as well as your production ones and enjoy
> virtualenv, pip, Python, Django, OSX and Linux :)
> Regards,
> Xavier.
> Le 10 août 2010 à 17:12, Daniel França a écrit :
> *I bet you installed pinax on your linux box but not on your osx one (or
> not in the same virtual env).*
> *hmmm, I just copied the code from Linux to OSX, is it what you mean? I
> should have "install" Pinax, that's it?*
> On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 12:05 PM, Xavier Ordoquy <>wrote:
>> Actually, it doesn't work on Linux either with the same settings.
>> Please update django-timezones to 0.2.dev2 which is what pinax uses (pip
>> install 
>> --extra-index-url=
>>  The latest stable doesn't seem to work with
>> django 1.2.
>> I bet you installed pinax on your linux box but not on your osx one (or
>> not in the same virtual env).
>> Regards,
>> Xavier.
>> Le 10 août 2010 à 15:42, Daniel França a écrit :
>> I'm not blaming OSX.
>> I just said that it was working on Linux, and now it's not working on Mac.
>> and even if my code is wrong that shouldn't be that dificulty to find the
>> error, doesn't agree? A more clear error message would help.
>> The problem isn't the error, but we are about a month arguing about this
>> error, and I'm sure the error message isn't clear enough.
>> Maybe it's a silly mistake, but I think I should receive a message that
>> clearly say me that.
>> On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 10:35 AM, Xavier Ordoquy <>wrote:
>>> Le 10 août 2010 à 15:10, Daniel França a écrit :
>>> It's very useful Andy, sympathy is welcome =)
>>> I was programming under linux, and I guessed that would be really
>>> straight forward port my project to OSX, I was wrong :(
>>> You know you are unfair. Unless you have strong evidence, you shouldn't
>>> blame osx for mistakes you probably made.
>>> Actually, your code doesn't work at all.
>>> I just gave a try on ubuntu 9.10/Django 1.2/sqlite DB and got the same
>>> error as I have on OSX (Error binding parameter 1 - probably unsupported
>>> type.).
>>> Regards,
>>> Xavier.
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