I have

class NewEventForm(ModelForm):
    Event_name = forms.CharField(label='Event
You must enter Event Name.'})
    description=forms.CharField(label='Event Description*',
widget=TinyMCE(attrs={'cols': 90, 'rows':
20,'tabindex':'2'}),error_messages={'required':'! You must enter a
 class Meta:
        model= Event

I want to
1)  Pass  session to the form
2) Customize
       a)  message text as in "error_messages={'required':'! You must
enter Event Name.'}"  based on certain settings in session.
       b) value of label based on certain session settings as in -
label='Event Name*',

and I want to do it for all the forms in my application. What would
the best and least repetitive way to do it. I have around 20 forms.

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