On 8 elo, 11:55, chefsmart <moran.cors...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The objects are coming from mutually exclusive querysets. I need to
> pass a queryset of these objects to a function.

"Or" the querysets together?
In [2]: f1 = Foo1()
In [3]: f1.save()
In [4]: f2 = Foo1()
In [5]: f2.save()
In [6]: [f.pk for f in Foo1.objects.all()]
Out[6]: [1, 2]
In [7]: qs2 = Foo1.objects.filter(pk=1) | Foo1.objects.filter(pk=2) #
The oring of querysets
In [8]: [f.pk for f in qs2]
Out[8]: [1, 2]

- Anssi

> On Aug 8, 1:25 pm, Masklinn <maskl...@masklinn.net> wrote:
> > On 8 août 2010, at 06:15, chefsmart <moran.cors...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > I had asked this on stackoverflow, but I guess I couldn't explain
> > > myself clearly enough. I'll try to ask again here:
> > > Say I have two objects obj1 and obj2 of the same model (MyModel), now
> > > I would like to add these objects to a new QuerySet. Can I create a
> > > QuerySet manually like the following
> > > my_qs = QuerySet(model=MyModel)
> > > and then add obj1 and obj2 to this QuerySet like
> > > my_qs.add(obj1)
> > > my_qs.add(obj2)
> > > Regards,
> > > CM.
> > What would the use case be, which would prevent you from using a normal 
> > list?

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