On 8/7/2010 3:03 PM, Daniel Roseman wrote:
> On Aug 7, 7:47 pm, rmschne <rmsc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I have a model like that I would like query down more than one level
>> (using my nomenclature).
>> class Library(models.Model)
>>   branch=models.CharField(max_length=100)
>> class Book(models.Model)
>>   libraryid=models.ForeignKey(Library,related_name="books")
>> class Chapter(models.Model)
>>   bookid=models.ForeignKey(Book,related_name="chapters")
>> I can get a library object:
>> l=Library.objects.filter(branch="Covent Garden")
>> and then get a query set of all the books in Covent Garden
>> b=l.books.all()
>> How do I get a query set of all the chapters (in all the books) in the
>> Covent Garden library?
>> then then if I added
>> class Paragraph(models.Model)
>>   chapterid=models.ForeignKey(Chapter,related_name="paragraphs")
>> How would I get a query set of all the paragraphs (in all the chapters
>> in all the books) in the Covent Garden library?
> Use the double-underscore syntax to traverse relationships. For all
> chapters in books in Covent Garden:
>     Chapter.objects.filter(bookid__libraryid__branch='Covent Garden')
> and all paragraphs in all chapters in all books in Covent Garden:
> Paragraph.objects.filter(chapterid__bookid__libraryid__branch='Covent
> Garden')
> and so on.
> Two things, though: firstly, your example query `b=l.books.all()` will
> *not* work. `l` is a queryset, and doesn't have a `books` attribute.
> If you're starting with an existing queryset, you can use `in`:
>     b = Books.objects.get(libraryid__in=l)
> but in this case there's presumably only one Covent Garden branch, so
> you should have just used `get` to get a single instance, rather than
> a queryset, in the first place:
>     l = Library.objects.get(branch='Covent Garden')
> and then your `l.books.all()` would have worked.
> Secondly, please drop those `id` suffixes. libraryid and bookid are
> not ID fields, they are fields representing whole objects in other
> models. Django automatically names the underlying database field
> foo_id, so you will have libraryid_id and bookid_id behind the scenes.

It also makes your code read more smoothly without the "id" at the end
of the foreign key field names. Then it would have been


and so on. If you are dealing with an existing database whose column
names cannot be changed you can use the db_column attribute, as in:


IMHO it's worth spending time thinking about naming to make your code
more intuitive to the new reader. That new reader is often me, long
after I ave forgotten the implementation details, and so the easier code
is to understand and read the better.

I'm no expert.
"ex" == "has-been"; "spurt" == "drip under pressure"
"expert" == "has-been drip under pressure".

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