I have an admin set up with three inlines.  I would like to filter the
inline's editable options by a variable that is defined in a settings
file.  I can over ride the actual admin pieces for each of the inlines
(they all have full admin screens of their own). But I can't seem to
get the standard def queryset(self, request): etc. over ride to work
for inlines. I have seen a little talk about how inlines require you
to create a new manager to filter the list of options.

Here is my inline admin code:

class CandidateInline(admin.TabularInline):
     model = Candidate

    fields = ['%s_vote' % (race_type)]

    extra = 0

     ordering = ('party', 'last_name')

## here is where the trouble is starting, I'd like to get rid of
everything that isn't status 1 ###

     def queryset(self, request):
         qs = super(CandidateInline, self).queryset(request)
        return qs.filter(status="1").exclude(party="Independent")

and here is the primary admin model that this inline is attached to:

class RaceAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):

     inlines = [

    form = RaceForm

     fieldsets = (
     ('General Race Information', {

        'fields': ('name', 'office_name', 'type', 'county',
   ('Partisan Race Outcomes (Runoff)', {
        'classes': ('collapse',),
       'fields': ('runoff_winner_d', 'runoff_winner_r',
'primary_advance_d', 'primary_advance_r'),
    ('Non Partisan Race Outcomes (Runoff)', {
        'classes': ('collapse',),
        'fields': ('runoff_winner_np',)
   list_display = ('name', 'type', 'county', )
    list_filter = ('type', 'office_name', 'county')
    ordering = ['name']

 # redefine the queryset to get rid of finals
    def queryset(self, request):
        qs = super(RaceAdmin, self).queryset(request)
        return qs.filter(type="2")

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