On Aug 5, 10:06 pm, Sven Broeckling <s...@broeckling.de> wrote:
> > > i have a problem on a debian lenny machine which is not easy to
> > > track down. It started with Apache2 mod_wsgi crashes (segfault in
> > > libapr) after the migration from mod_python. The server crashes
> > > sporadic and everytime with another view called, but everytime
> > > after a while (2-7 Days, depending on traffic).
> > Probably not related, but you never know... I've seen this happen in
> > ye olde days with a zope server that you'd start in daemon mode from
> > the terminal.  After 2-4 days the terminal would die and suddenly the
> > perfectly-running zope server would have nowhere to print its console
> > output once an infrequent error occured. And it would die.
> > The wsgi stuff works differently, so this shouldn't be the problem.
> > Mentioning it anyway, perhaps it rings some distant bell :-)
> I got another clue, it seems that the python process runs out of file
> handles. After 10k requests (via ab -c 1 -n 10000) i got several "not
> found" io exceptions like "/dev/urandom not found", TemplateError:
> Template xy not found and this one : Error Opening
> file /path/to/geoip/GeoIP.dat
> Maybe that is why the mod_python setup runs fine, due to the restart
> for each request.

Also make sure you aren't still loading mod_python into Apache if
using mod_wsgi as the presence of mod_python can in some cases cause
mod_wsgi to misbehave.


> Sven

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