On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 3:32 AM, lukaszb <lukaszbalcer...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the comment! I really do think that this "backends ready &&
> included" parts of Django are extremely useful (and fun to extend if
> needed).
> About the admin, I haven't really get into admin integration yet as I
> cannot answer this: should user with "flatpages.change_flatpage"
> permission for flatpage instance be able to edit it at admin if he/she
> doesn't have "flatpage.change_flatpage" global permission? I'm just
> stuck here - I suppose it would be good to "turn off" ability to
> change some objects for user with this global "app.change_obj"
> permission removal. On the other hand, wouldn't it be too much to give
> such global permission for user if we intend to allow him/her to
> change only single object?

There are two possible readings of the global obj=None case.

 a) A user must have the global permission in order to be granted the
permission for individual objects. This means that the global
permission is a 'gatekeeper' of sorts for individual object

 b) The global permission is the 'fallback' permission if a specific
object permssion doesn't exist. That is the obj=None permission is the
"allow all" permission.

My reading of the code and docs [1] [2] is that (b) is the intended
interpretation. From a practical standpoint, this also makes sense: in
the case of (a), there is no way to grant a wildcard permission.

[2] http://code.djangoproject.com/wiki/RowLevelPermissions

So - in terms of the practical situation you describe; this means that
a user can only edit a specific flatpage if they have the change
permission for a specific instance, *or* they have the global obj=None

The issue that cascades on from this is the UX issue of how to
represent an object that you can't edit. Should it be displayed, but
not presented as a link? Should it be hidden entirely?

Russ Magee %-)

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