On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 10:51 PM, to_see <w...@cox.net> wrote:
> I am still new to Django, and am typing my way through some tutorials
> (not running demo code).  I could not figure out why I was getting
> incorrect results in an Admin demo, until I looked at the sample
> code.
> When I did this:
> django-admin.py startproject marketr
> cd marketr
> python manage.py startapp survey
> I got a full set of default filed, but settings.py did not include
> 'survey' at the end of the INSTALLED_APPS list, as the demos
> indicate.  I have made several attempts, and not once have I gotten my
> app in the list.  It's seems easy enough, so I would like to find out
> what I'm doing wrong.
> I'm running Django 1.2.1 with Python 2.6.5 on Ubuntu 10.04.
> Considering that so many files are generated, correctly as far as I
> can tell, I do not see why this one piece is missing.  Especially
> since I read the FAQ and searched this forum, and looked at the list
> of tickets and don't see anything that matches.

I think it would be bad form for startapp to edit your settings file.
As far as the tutorial goes, adding your newly created app to
INSTALLED_APPS is covered right here:


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