Hi Artem,

I don't know about it specifically but I have one possible solution.
That may not be what you want and I'd like to hear critique on it:

Have a model with fields id (or url or slug), status and filename (and
more if you wish).
This could be filled with: id=42, status=no_downloads_yet,
Create urls that point to a view. Like this: www.mypage.foo/download/42
A view would be called in which the status is tested and if
appropriate the file is returned. The status should then be changed.
(Shortcoming: I don't know off-hand how to test whether a download was
completed or dropped or the like.)

Comments welcome!

Best regards,

On 27 Jul., 22:55, Artem <pkeeper.sh...@mail.ru> wrote:
> Is there any painless way to make Django able to serve files with one-
> time urls, like in RapidShare?
> First thought - use django.views.static.serve with some tweeks. But is
> there a way to track status of download (dropped\complited)?
> Thanks

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