Hello Guys,

I'm relatively new to django.

I have some doubt about good practices,  using it.

1 - I have some helpers that I use on all apps.
For this I created a app called helpers
(./manager.py startapp helpers)
it don't have any view, or model.
And then I  created some files like:

and inside choices.py I have for example:
from content.models import Publication, Issue, Article, Comment, Image
        'publication': Publication,
        'issue': Issue,
        'article': Article,
        'comment': Comment,
        'image': Image,

        (0, 'None'),
        (1, 'Read/Comment'),
        (2, 'Edit/Comment'),
        (4, 'Read'),

Is it ok, if I create 'empty' apps, like that ?

2 - There are some commands that I like to think that I will always use:
for example:
add, remove, view, edit and browse
For that I created a file (handlers.py) insie my app (content)
And I use like this:
urlpatterns = patterns('',
    (r'^browse/(?P<obj>.*)/(?P<page>.*)/', 'content.views.browse'),
    (r'^(?P<cmd>.*)/(?P<obj>.*)/(?P<key>.*)/(.*)', 'content.handlers.url'),

import views
def url(request, cmd, obj, key=0):
        f_name = obj+ '_' +cmd
        call = getattr(views, f_name.lower())
        return call(request, key)

def publication_edit(request, key):

So, I can use:

Is it ok, if I create other files in the app's directory, like this ?
(I have a file called 'forms' too).

3 - Is there any problem if I use the OBJ_HANDLER (from
helpers/choices.py) like this:?
entries_list = OBJ_HANDLER[obj].objects.all().filter('public =', True)

4 - I have a form that has a create() method.
class IssueForm(djangoforms.ModelForm):
        #... code....
        def create(self, data):
                return Issue(publication = data['publication']).save()

Is it ok  if I return saved objects in forms ?

Is all of this, or some of this, good practices ?

Thank you a lot :)

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