On 27 juil, 10:37, gs794 <gregs...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the reply.
> I previously had a look at how QuerySet.none (in
> Django.db.models.query) was implemented, and that didn 't give me any
> clues - hence the post.  So I worked it out by looking at 
> http://seanmonstar.com/post/708862164/extending-django-models-manager...
> which explains how QuerySet and manager methods are called through the
> QuerySetManager.

Did you actually read the source code for Manager.none() in /django/db/
manager.py ? I bet not, else you would already have solved your
problem !-)

>  __getattr__ will be called prior to throwing an AttributeError to try
> an find a manager method that isn't already implemented by the manager
> **or any of its base classes**.   That is, I think it's pulling none
> from the base class implementation.

Don't think, make sure !-)

Now the mere fact I mentionned the implementation of *Manager.none*
(nont "Queryset.None") is an answer in itself.

FWIW, you could have just logged calls to your manager's __getattr__
method, so you would have noticed that it didn't get called for

> This might not be the most elegant solution.  I'll look into the
> Manager implementation as you suggested.

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