Just figured out that I used django-tagging before but switched to
django-taggit and then removed django-tagging. But it is being used in
the migrations. Not sure if I should mess with the migrations or just
install django-tagging. Feels wrong to install it when I don't use it

However the change to django-taggit does not seem to be picked up by
South. not I've got

tags = TaggableManager(), instead of the tagging TagField but when I
run a schemamigration check it finds nothing.


On 25 Juli, 11:53, Martin Lundberg <martin.lundb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> No one who knows what could be causing it not to find the TagField
> field? Do I have to do something special for South to find it? I don't
> have any trouble with the field when it is used by django. Atleast not
> what I've noticed.
> On 23 Juli, 16:13, Martin Lundberg <martin.lundb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I'm having problems with running ./manage.py test. When it is running
> > some South migrations I'm getting this error: ValueError: Cannot
> > import the required field 'tagging.fields.TagField'. I don't know how
> > to fix it.
> > -Martin

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