from looking at the fields_for_model(...) method in django.forms.model, it

    opts = model._meta

    for f in opts.fields + opts.many_to_many:

        # <some code with each field>

for each field it ends up calling f.formfield() which in CharField is
implemented as:

    def formfield(self, **kwargs):

        defaults = {'max_length': self.max_length}


        return super(CharField, self).formfield(**defaults)

So, in conclusion, you can use the _meta attribute to inspect the model
fields, and CharField have a public attribute called max_length you can use
when creating your form.

On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 17:53, Rex <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I am using Django 1.1, say I have a model like:
> class MyModel(Model):
>    someField = CharField(max_length=32)
> if I have another class that receives an instance of the model, can I
> read the max_length there?
> class Hypothetical_form (forms.Form):
>    def __init__(self, model_instance):
>        self.someField = forms.CharField(label = u'Some Label', widget
> = forms.TextInput(attrs={'size':
> this.magicalGetSize(model_instance,'someField')}))
>    def magicalGetSize(instance, fieldname):
>         return some_how_find_the_max_length(instance, fieldname)
> this will give me the ability to keep my db and forms sync.
> Thank you for any help
> Rex
> disclaimer: I know about ModelForm and all that, but I want to see if
> there is a way to inspect a Model's meta data and field options. I
> found functions like get_field_by_name() but they are not in the
> django documentation.
> --
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