maybe this way:

from django.shortcuts import get_list_or_404
from MY_APP.models *

def values_view(request)
    list = get_list_or_404(MyModel)
    template = loader.get_template('mytemp.html')
    c = Context({'list': list})
    html = t.render(c)


{% for item in list %}
{{}}, {{}}, {{item.type}}
{% endfor %}

On 07/21/10 23:38, Nick wrote:
> I would like to format the output of a values_list into something a
> little more usable for a CSV.
> My view is really simple
> def values_view(request)
>     list = MyModel.objects.values_list('id', 'name', 'type')
>     template = loader.get_template('mytemp.html')
>     c = Context({'list': list})
>     html = t.render(c)
>     HttpResponse(html)
> my template looks like this
> {% for item in list %}
> {{item}}
> {% endfor %}
> it spits out a list of things like this:
> (u'id', u'name', u'type), (u'id2', u'name2', u'type2)
> etc. etc.
> How can I format a values_list so I could return something like a
> table or csv?
> so:
> id, name, type
> id2, name, type
> etc. etc.
> Thanks for the help
> Nick

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