Hi Scott:

Thank you for the suggestion.  I reviewed the docs, and it appears like it
could work but would restrict the functionality.  For example, I would have
to somehow serialize two datetime types plus a boolean type into a single
database column.  This would take away a lot of advantages (such as being
able to filter based on only one of the datetimes).
One other option I am exploring is simply doing:

class DateRange(Model):
    start = DateTimeField()
    end = DateTimeField()

On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 8:03 AM, Scott Gould <zinck...@gmail.com> wrote:

> My immediate thought upon reading your post was that you should build
> an accompanying custom model field. Having said that, I haven't had
> cause to do one that involved (only extend -- simply -- the stock
> fields) so can't provide any specifics.
> http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.2/howto/custom-model-fields/#howto-custom-model-fields
> On Jul 20, 10:00 pm, Brad Buran <bbu...@alum.mit.edu> wrote:
> > I have a group of fields (date_start, date_end, all_day) that I would
> like
> > to reuse in several models.  I've defined a MultiWidget that displays two
> > split datetime fields plus a checkbox (for the all_day toggle).  However,
> > I'm not sure how to get the MultiWidget to set the value of these three
> > fields in the model.  If I understand correctly, a MultiWidget can only
> set
> > the value of a single model field.  Hence, I would need to create some
> sort
> > of field (e.g. "combined_date_info") that MultiWidget saves the
> serialized
> > data from these three form fields.  Once I have done this, then I would
> use
> > model.save() to deserialize the data in the combined_date_info field and
> > save it to the appropriate model fields.
> >
> > This solution seems a bit hackish and not very DRY.  Are there better
> > approaches?
> >
> > Brad
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