Hey Folks,

Just wondering if anyone had been squirreling away on the composite primary
key support that David Cramer and others were working on. It doesn't appear
any commits have been made on the git for almost a year and a half so I'm
wondering if anyone is still working on it. I'm happy to put my shoulder to
the wheel myself but just trying to get a lay of the land first. I've been
working on a project for the past 6 months that integrates with a legacy
database which contains loads of composite (foreign) primary keys. I have a
monster I keep in the basement that has allowed us to integrate
successfully, with some major annoyances (no admin for a lot of the project,
hand written create table SQL and no automatic south migrations for a
start). I'd love to be able to work towards putting the monster down as it
would make life easier for the team (and I'm sure there are others that
would love to see support for this too).

Rory Hart

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