Obviously it's the user personal choice, always! :)

Subhranath Chunder.

On Sun, Jul 18, 2010 at 11:45 PM, Roald de Vries <downa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Jul 18, 2010, at 7:19 PM, Biju Varghese wrote:
>> Eclipse is the best IDE for python and django.
>> On Jul 17, 8:53 pm, Jitendra Joshi <joshijitendra...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> What is the best open source Django IDE ?
> I would say VIM, too. Emacs should be very good too, but I've never used
> it. Their advantage:
> 1) you can use them from the command line, so over SSH too, and they (at
> least VI) are available everywhere
> 2) they're so wide spread that there's a plug-in for almost everything
> 3) they're so configurable that you can write a plug-in to do anything you
> want
> 4) learn once, use for anything
> Admitted, there are disadvantages: they have a learning curve, expecially
> VIM, but once you know how to use them, they increase your productivity a
> lot.
> Features:
> - autocompletion
> - very very very strong search and replace
> - macro's
> - configurable key bindings/commands
> Comparison of VIM and Emacs (what I've read):
> - Emacs is monolithic (does everything, for example includes shell), VIM is
> unix style (does one thing well, why reproduce the shell?)
> - The unix cli uses Emacs key bindings (but VI bindings are optional)
> - Emacs doesn't have different (confusing) modes, VIM doesn't leave you
> with a crippled little finger (from all the <C-...>'s)
> - VIM has more commands than Emacs
> I would say Emacs makes you more productive on shorter term, VIM makes you
> more productive on longer term.
> Cheers, Roald
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