Thank you! Let me play with it.

On Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 10:41 AM, Daniel Roseman <>wrote:

> On Jul 15, 4:19 pm, Jonathan Hayward
> <> wrote:
> > I'm looking at a problem and see how to solve it, probably badly, with
> > eval(), but don't see what the right solution is.
> >
> > I want to use Jeditable more or less to make fields on models editable.
> > Jeditable sends the HTML ID, as well as updated value, when someone makes
> an
> > in_place edit. I am following a convention where the HTML ID is something
> > like *model*_*field*_*id*, and I would like an Ajax view to do some error
> > checking and if the provided ID is appropriate, take an ID of
> > entity_description_1 to pull up the Entity with id 1 and set its
> description
> > field to the updated value.
> >
> > I see a way to do this with eval, badly, but what I'd guess of Django is
> > that there's a way to call .get(model_name) or something like that to
> avoid
> > an eval. Is there a dynamic equivalent to
> > directory.models.Entity.objects.get(pk = 1) or instance.description =
> value
> > where "Entity" and "description" are effectively replaced by dynamically
> > provided values?
> >
> Yes - although you need the name of the app as well as the model.
>    from django.db.models import get_model
>    my_model = get_model('myapp', 'Entity')
>    my_instance = my_model.objects.get(pk=my_pk_value)
>    setattr(my_instance, fieldname, fieldvalue)
> --
> DR.
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→ Jonathan Hayward,
→ An Orthodox Christian author: theology, literature, et cetera.
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