On 07/11/2010 12:36 PM, John Handelaar wrote:
On 11 July 2010 14:17, Tech Scout<techtal...@gmail.com> wrote:
Major Tech Start up – NYC –Python Developer - Django/ Python Java/J2ee FTE
View, Refer or Apply confidentially here: http://bitURL.net/3df
Tech Scout
Why you just got spam filtered:
Apparently, this message wasn't spam filtered because you were able to
read it, as was I.
1) Posting in HTML
Gmail encourages it. It's not the end of the world.
2) No name
3) No phone number
4) No company email address
Where is your contact information then? Is this is a case of "do as I
say but not as I do" or are you afraid that your blatherings would be
indexed and come back to haunt you later?
While I would think that a recruiting firm would want this information
indexed, there may be a legitimate reason for a recruiter not to want
this information archived and indexed, too. It's also possible that the
poster isn't particularly tech-savvy and doesn't understand the
importance of providing this information so rather than give the
original poster a tongue lashing, it would have been more appropriate to
inform him or her (nicely) that providing full contact information would
be in their best interests.
5) Massive OverUse Of CapitalIZation
"Massive"? You're being awfully picky! NYC - New York City, FTE - Full
Time Employee. Both are commonly used acronyms.
6) Concealed URL
The hosted talent portal that the recruiting firm uses has ugly and long
URLs. It's understandable that they might want to shorten it.
7) Nonsensical spraying of Java terms you don't understand in a post
to python devs.
How can you tell that it's "nonsensical" and that the poster doesn't
understand them? What if this is what the client wants and needs? The
only nonsense I read was your response.
Not bad for two lines.
I could say the same thing about your inane response.
Please go away now.
This is rude, completely uncalled for, and unacceptable to me (and I
suspect for many others). The way you wrote this, it sounds like you're
speaking on behalf of others and you can rest assured that you don't
speak on my behalf at least.
I've noticed this a couple of times in the last few weeks where someone
posts a job ad here and some crank immediately responds inappropriately.
Those who seem to feel the need to verbally lynch people for posting job
offers here need to look within themselves to understand why they react
in such a negative fashion.
Clifford Ilkay
1419-3266 Yonge St.
Toronto, ON
Canada M4N 3P6
+1 416-410-3326
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