Thank you, I'm sure you're essentially correct, with one wrinkle.
What I believe happened was that the Debian upgrade resulted in a
change from python 2.5 to 2.6,
and so I believe that what happened was that resulted in the
pythonpath changing as well, and pointing
to the Debian 'python-django' package rather than my local copy, which
as you noted contained the patch.

Good advice of course about using volatile and testing packages in a
production environment
as this of course proves.

For what it's worth, I have (er - had) been using the ticket 6148
patch since January and found it
to work without incident in pulling and delivering data from multiple

Thanks again,

On Jul 4, 3:22 pm, Ramiro Morales <> wrote:
> The meta.db_schema hast never been supported by Django.  The version
> you were using most surely was one locally patched to add it. When the
> system was updated, you got a pristine Django 1.2.1 via the python django
> .deb package and that would explain what you are seeing.
> You can try to use the latest patch attached to ticket 6148 so you can
> help us with to test and enhance it.
> Warning: The patch, as every patch not merged in the official tree
> shouldn't be used  on a production system, but the OS version and
> sysadmin practices you describe seems to indicate this isn't the case.
> Regards,
> --
> Ramiro Morales  |

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