On Jul 7, 3:56 am, Richard Shebora <sheb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This blog post by Graham Dumpleton could be listed
> as additional reading for mod_wsgi implementations...
> http://blog.dscpl.com.au/2010/03/improved-wsgi-script-for-use-with.html
> It clears up what look like real problems on the surface, but are really
> normal when you understand the process better.

No, it isn't that simple unfortunately.

In talks I have had with core developers there are concerns from a
number of areas over what that alternate script was doing. These are:

1. What really is the problem being solved? In respect of import
ordering and/or multithreading issues, is this script just covering up
for fact that people using Django aren't following the documentation
and are therefore doing something wrong to cause their problems

2. By following what the Django development server does, then you
preload bits of code which would never actually be used in a
production setting and thus are increasing the size of Django process

3. That there is a preference for lazy loading on basis that again
avoid loading application code you don't need to.

In respect of (1), what is really needed is a small example, with
recipe of how to replicate problem reliably, for issues that script
solves that are encountered when using standard WSGI recipe. So far no
one has been able to supply that, usually because by the time they
solve their problem by using this alternate WSGI script, they cant be
bothered help work out the underlying reason as to why standard recipe
isn't working.

In respect of (2) and (3), is the memory increase really significant
enough that this is a concern.

Irrespective of (1) and whether it is a user problem, there certainly
are issues to be resolved. For example, the fact that 'python
manage.py runserver', 'django-admin.py runserver' and standard
WSGIHandler recipe all set up the environment differently.

I also challenge the idea that lazy loading is a good idea. The
problem with lazy loading is that it forces a delay on to first
request that needs to load the code. In a production hosting
environment this may be undesirable.

So, a lot more investigation and discussion is going to be needed on


> Thanks,
> Richard Shebora
> On Tue, Jul 6, 2010 at 2:56 AM, Henrik Genssen 
> <henrik.gens...@miadi.net>wrote:
> > can we please add a hint to the docs here:
> >http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/howto/deployment/modwsgi/
> > for:
> >        WSGIPassAuthorization on
> > or one will never get HTTP_AUTHORIZATION in request.META
> > regards
> > Henrik
> > Henrik Genssen
> > h...@miadi.net
> > Tel. 0451/6195650
> > Fax. 0451/6195655
> > miadi GmbH
> > Geschäftsführer: Henrik Genssen
> > Sitz der Gesellschaft: Beckergrube 2, 23552 Lübeck
> > Amtsgericht Lübeck HRB 10223, USt-IdNr DE
> > Lieferungen und Leistungen erfolgen ausschließlich auf Grundlage unserer
> > allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen
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