On Jun 29, 1:41 pm, justin jools <justinjo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Tom if you read my original post you will realise that the error is
> being caused by setting of context processors to media_url (see
> original post).
> When context processors are active the {media_url} tag works
> perfectly, but breaks the admin.
> If I comment out :
> settings.py
> ('portfolio.context_processors.media_url',)
> and
> urls.py
> #from django.template import RequestContext
> the admin then works.

You have completely overridden the default template context
processors. All the functionality that the admin depends on -
authentication, csrf protection, internationalisation, messages - has
all now gone thanks to this setting.

You should just *add* your processor to the existing list. However, I
don't understand why you want to do this at all, given that the
default list already includes the
"django.core.context_processors.media" processor which does exactly
the same as your version.

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