Its a lot of little files and from what i've seen, the stat call is a
bottleneck.  If they are all in memcache, then it should scream.

Which "hints" would you be referring?

On Jun 18, 10:56 am, Javier Guerra Giraldez <>
> On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 12:22 PM, TheIvIaxx <> wrote:
> > My thoughts right now are for it to check memcached for the key, if
> > not found, then serve up the file from disk.  Everything else goes to
> > apache.  I will just have a cron job populate memcached separately.
> > Is this a common practice or is there a better method for this?
> be sure to benchmark it.  in many cases, nginx will serve from static
> files just as fast as from memcached.
> yeah sounds crazy, but if nginx give the OS some hints, it will cache
> the files in RAM, a lot more efficiently than memcached (less context
> switches, no TCP involved, can dynamically get hold and release RAM as
> available, etc...)
> --
> Javier

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