here´s the registration I´ve come up with. I´m using a Custom  
Manipulator, because I´ve added some fields to the User Model and  
need specific validation. I´ve also added a confirmation mail:

def registration(request):

     manipulator = RegistrationManipulator()

     if request.POST:
             new_data = request.POST.copy()
             errors = manipulator.get_validation_errors(new_data)
             if not errors:

                        ### Send MAIL
                         date= new_data['date_joined_date'] + " " +  
                         confirmhash = set_hash(new_data['password'],  
                         link = ""; +  
                         content = "something in here" + link
                         toMail = new_data['email']
                         send_mail('[] Registration:  
confirm', content, '[EMAIL PROTECTED]', [toMail], fail_silently=False)

                        ### SAVE USER
                         pw_hash = set_password(new_data['password'])
                         user = User.objects.create_user(new_data 
['username'], new_data['email'], pw_hash)
                         return HttpResponseRedirect("/")

         errors = new_data = {}


Am 17.07.2006 um 13:35 schrieb Aidas Bendoraitis:

> A few weeks ago I browsed through Django core code to get a basic
> understanding how to create a user registration or any other form
> using generic manipulators and how to fill in some values (such as
> last_login) behind the scene.
> I was following the guidelines about manipulators at:
> To create a user you should do something like that:
> def add_profile(request):
>     from datetime import datetime
>     user_manipulator = User.AddManipulator()
>     if request.POST:
>         new_user_data = request.POST.copy()
>         # fields that have to be left unmodified
>         #new_user_data['username'] = user.username
>         new_user_data['password'] = new_password_data['new_password']
>         now =
>         new_user_data['date_joined_date'] = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
>         new_user_data['date_joined_time'] = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
>         new_user_data['last_login_date'] = "1900-01-01"
>         new_user_data['last_login_time'] = "00:00:00"
>         new_user_data['is_active'] = 'on'
>         new_user_data['is_superuser'] = 'off'
>         new_user_data['is_staff'] = 'off'
>         user_errors = user_manipulator.get_validation_errors 
> (new_user_data)
>         if not user_errors:
>             user_manipulator.do_html2python(new_user_data)
>             user =
>             #user = User.objects.create_user(
>             #    new_user_data['username'],
>             #    new_user_data['email'],
>             #    new_user_data['password']
>             #)
>             user.set_password(new_user_data['password'])
>             ...
> I hope this will help you. And if somebody has a better solution how
> to manage filling fields with values automagically, please share that
> wwith everybody.
> Good luck!
> Aidas Bendoraitis [aka Archatas]
> On 7/16/06, patrickk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> nice. didn´t see that.
>> Am 15.07.2006 um 18:29 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
>>> There is:
>>> Chris
> >

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