If you're worried about the data getting out of order use a counter in
JS and always ensure that you only update the page when you get the
correct (i.e. current) counter back.

I think what you're talking about isn't possible in normal HTTP. I
think you have a one request, one response situation.


On Jun 11, 4:15 pm, Christoph <christophsieden...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> normally in views.py I have a function that takes a request and
> returns a render_to_response or the like. I, however, would like it to
> take a request and have Django reply with multiple responses. Is there
> a way to do this, or is this not possible with HTTP anyway?
> What I am trying to achieve: Have a a view that gets called and in it
> I have a JS/AJAX script that asks for some data. However, calculating
> the data takes a while and it comes one after the other. So I thought
> that I could send the data as soon as it becomes available.
> In my example I have a graph (using flot) and it would also look
> natural to have the data points show up one by one.
> A different approach: Have JS ask for more data (using GET) until the
> view responses sets a flag (NO_MORE_DATA = True). I don't like this,
> since for me this looks like it defies the A in AJAX and the view
> would lose all parameters (I.e. which points it already sent and which
> not). However, I don't know much JS, nor AJAX nor do I understand the
> HTTP protocol good enough.
> Maybe this has been done before? Is there a way of having server-side
> generated AJAX-actions? Is there a way of having Django send something
> within a views-function (as opposed to returning it at the end)?
> Some possible code:
> def my_view(request):
>     data =
> MyModel.objects.filter('something').order_by('somethingelse')
>     for item in list(data): # Note, I don't do this but this is just
> to show how what I want
>         send_json(do_something(item)) # send_json() is the crucial
> (non-existing) function that I am looking for
>     return None # or maybe return Done or something like it
> Best regards,
> Christoph

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