@also I meant <Model>.objects. all().

It will give import error that <Model> cannot be imported.

On Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 7:09 AM, rahul jain <jainwolver...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Yes I have the __init__.py inside my app directory. Also, all my split
> files are inside the same directory. If possible can you test
> Create views1.py (not views.py)
>> import your model class
>> and in one of the functions do
>> <Model>.objects. all()
>> and then run python manage.py runserver. I think it will break.
> --RJ
> On Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 7:04 AM, rahul jain <jainwolver...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> @bruno: yes functions.
>> So in some other file I want to use models methods like
>> <Model>.objects. all
>> For that I have to import the <Model> . But I am not able to.
>> Import works fine on views.py
>> Also, can you test this for me
>> Create views1.py (not views.py)
>> import your model class
>> and in one of the functions do
>> <Model>.objects. all
>> and then run python manage.py runserver. I think it will break.
>> Let me know what i am missing or will __initial__.py will solve this
>> problem   ?.
>> On Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 6:53 AM, rahul jain <jainwolver...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Yes they are in the same directory. How to use __initial__.py ?
>>> On Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 3:38 AM, Scott Gould <zinck...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Did you put Test1.py and Test2.py into a "models" directory where
>>>> models.py would normally be, and add an __initial__.py file to it?
>>>> On Jun 10, 5:18 pm, rahul jain <jainwolver...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> HI Dan,
>>>>> Thanks for your response but that will not solve my problem.
>>>>> I am not splitting models. I am splitting actions defined in the
>>>>> models  across multiple files.
>>>>> So suppose
>>>>> one of my model actions is calling which in turn calls the constructor
>>>>> or simple functions defined in normal python files
>>>>> for ex:
>>>>> def action (self, request, queryset):
>>>>>     Test1(<params>)     //calls default constructor of the class
>>>>>     Test2(<params>)
>>>>> Now each of these are separate class files names as Test1.py Test2.py.
>>>>> In each of these files i want to do this
>>>>> from <project_name>.<app name>.models import <class name>
>>>>> But I get this error
>>>>> ImportError: cannot import name <class name>
>>>>> I tired various other variotions like just
>>>>> from models import <class name>
>>>>> from <app name>.models import <class name>
>>>>> or without from
>>>>> but none of them are working.
>>>>> Also, in order to call this Test1(<params>) I thought if  I import
>>>>> Test1 in models then it will just work but again not
>>>>> --RJ
>>>>> On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 1:57 PM, Dan Harris <dih0...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> > When you split things out into multiple files or directories you have
>>>>> > to remember to import them into the models.py file or the __init__.py
>>>>> > file (if using a directory).
>>>>> > So if i had some models in a new file "extraModels.py" for example
>>>>> > # In extraModels.py
>>>>> > class ExtraModel(models.Model):
>>>>> >    pass
>>>>> > Then in the regular "models.py"
>>>>> > # In models.py
>>>>> > from extraModels import ExtraModel
>>>>> > class RegularModels(model.Model):
>>>>> >   pass
>>>>> > The key is that you ahve to import any models in your split files into
>>>>> > your normal models.py file. This is because Django looks for models in
>>>>> > the models.py file only. If you make a models directory, you have to
>>>>> > import all models you want Django to recognize into your __init__.py
>>>>> > file within the models directory.
>>>>> > Hopefully this makes sense, if not I can try to be more clear.
>>>>> > Dan Harris
>>>>> > dih0...@gmail.com
>>>>> > On Jun 10, 4:46 pm, rahul jain <jainwolver...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> >> anyone on this ??
>>>>> >> --RJ
>>>>> >> On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 11:34 AM, rahul jain <jainwolver...@gmail.com> 
>>>>> >> wrote:
>>>>> >> > Hi Django,
>>>>> >> > In my app directory, I splitted my models and views.py into multiple
>>>>> >> > files since they start becoming very long but django is not able to
>>>>> >> > recognize those files .
>>>>> >> > It only recognizes models.py, views.py, tests.py (default ones).
>>>>> >> > So In my other files If i do this
>>>>> >> > from <project_name>.<app name>.models import <class name>
>>>>> >> > I get this error
>>>>> >> > ImportError: cannot import name <class name>
>>>>> >> > If I do the same on views.py, it just works fine.
>>>>> >> > Even on Eclipse I can see Django default files with different symbol
>>>>> >> > and python files with different symbols.
>>>>> >> > How to solve this problem ?
>>>>> >> > --RJ
>>>>> > --
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