I haven't tested this, but it seems like you could do it one of two

Define media root as a function in your settings.py. If you pass a
callable to the template, it will be called.
MEDIA_ROOTS = ['server1', 'server2', 'server3']
    from random import choice
    return choice(MEDIA_ROOTS)

Use a context processor to add MEDIA_ROOTS to the context and use the
random template tag.

{{ MEDIA_ROOTS|random }}

Steven's custom template tag works too.

On Jun 8, 7:32 am, Martin Siniawski <msi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Steve,
> Thanks for the answer.
> If I understand correctly your idea and code, each template would have
> only one value for the MEDIA_URL (randomly chosen from the array),
> right?
> What I was looking for was a way of distributing the value of the
> MEDIA_URL uniformly along the values of an array, in each template. So
> in a certain template the MEDIA_URL would have more than one value.
> Maybe if I set it as a callable (with the logic that choses the values
> inside it) that would work.
> I cannot quite understand why there isn't anymore people running into
> this issue.
> Best and thanks again for the answer,
> Martin
> On Jun 7, 10:46 am, Steven L Smith <ssmit...@naz.edu> wrote:
> > Hi Martin-
> > I don't know what the "official" answer would be, but you could write your 
> > own
> > context processor that had something like:
> > from random import choice
> > MEDIA_URLS =  'static1.site.com', 'static2.site.com', 'static3.site.com' ]
> > def media(request):
> >     return {'MEDIA_URL': choice(MEDIA_URLS)}
> > Then, in settings.py, include your custom context processor instead of the 
> > one
> > built-in to to Django.
> > -Steve
> > ====================================
> > Steven L Smith, Web Developer
> > Department of Information Technology Services
> > Nazareth College of Rochester
> > 585-389-2085   |   ssmit...@naz.eduhttp://www.naz.edu/pub/~ssmith46
> > ====================================

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