
The reverse call just uses kwargs to find out which pattern it matches
to. If your url regex was r'^register/(?P<kwarg1>\w+)/', then you
would pass kwarg1 as a kwarg to reverse. You are not trying to find a
url with a kwarg in the regex, so you shouldn't be adding that in the
reverse call. You just need to make a second url entry that has the
special success kwarg setup already. Give it a different name and
regex, then reverse to it directly.

Hope that helps,

On Jun 7, 6:54 am, Superman <> wrote:
> The urlconf:
>                    url(r'^register/$',
>                        register,
>                        { 'backend':
> 'registration.backends.default.DefaultBackend' },
>                        name='registration_register'),
> The view:
>                     def register(request, backend, success_url=None,
> form_class=None,
> disallowed_url='registration_disallowed',
>                                  template_name='registration/
> registration_form.html',
>                                  extra_context=None):
> What i want to do is redirect users to the register page and specify a
> success_url. I tried reverse('registration.views.register',
> kwargs={'success_url':'/test/' }) but that doesn't seem to work. I've
> been trying for hours and can't get my mind around getting it right.
> Thanks

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