Possible through basic Python:

  obj_list = [ i for i in MyObject.objects.all() where my_filter(i) ]

Note that this filtering is happening on the Python side of things,
whereas a queryset filter is executed in SQL on the database.  The
filtering on the database is normally much, much faster, so be careful
with the python-style filtering...


On Jun 5, 12:32 pm, Joakim Hove <joakim.h...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a query list which I want to filter based on a computation
> which I supply:
> # Create a query set containing everything:
> obj_list = MyObject.objects.all()
> # Now - select only the element which pass some test:
> obj_list = obj_list.filter( my_filter )
> def my_filter( obj ):
>      # Does a computation based on obj values, and returns true or
> false
>      ....
>      return true|false
> Is something like this doable?
> Joakim

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