You can achieve this without django at all. By defining rewrite rules
on your web server. But why don't you make your own view/template on
the url you want that will play the desired video? You can use the
HTML file generated by camtasia for a reference on how to write the
On Sat, Jun 5, 2010 at 2:59 AM, Margie Roginski
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to serve up an mp4 video from my django app.  I've
> generated the video
> using a tool called Camtasia, and it creates a set of files for me
> that all go in a single
> directory.  I've put these down in my site_media directory with a
> directory structure like this:
>  site_media/img/help/overview_video/overview_video.html
>                                     overview_video.mp4
>                                     overview_video_controller.swf
>                                     swfobject.js
>                                     exprsesInstall.swf
> If I reference overview_video.html like this, it works just fine:
> But I don't want the user to see site_media in their url.  Instead I'd
> like them to go
> to a nicer looking url, like this:
> So I'm trying to figure out what I put in my taskmanager app
> in order to make it
> handle the nicer url and then redirect to site_media/img/help/
> overview_video/overview_video.html.
> I think I should be able to do something like this:
>   url(r'^help/overview_video$',    direct_to_template,
>                 {"template": "[reference_to_site_media]/img/help/
> overview_video/overview_video.html"})
> But I can't figure out what to put in for [reference_to_site_media].
> Could someone give me a hand?
> Thanks.
> Margie
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