Hello all,

New to Django, I have been through all the tutorials and verified
things appeared to be working. I am running a windows server 2003
license, with Apache 2.1.2 I  think It is 2 something anyhow. I have
Python 2.6 installed and I have The latest version available to me of
the mod_wsgi interface. And when I run this all via pythin manage.py
runserver 8080 everything works great.

So with that done I need to be able to host it on Apache... so I set
up my Alias and my <Directory> stanza within my conf file.

Now, my actual problem, when I look at localhost:8080\admin I get
exactly what you would expect, my classes all laid out on the default
soft blue background. When I look http://wiki.mydomaincom/DBMon/admin/
(via Apache) I get all the links I expect, and they work as expected,
but they are all down the left side of the page with none of the
coloring is there.

It is like the template is not being read, so I added a local admin
template directory to my settings.py and copied over the admin/base-
site template to a local folder and changed the "Django
Administration" heading to "My Custom Line" and when I reloaded the
pages they both showed the cooresponding changes.


Any ideas on what piece is still missing?

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