
I'm pretty sure I didn't rename anything after creating the DB.

The error message I got was that the column
"m2m_models_blog__entries.entries" doesn't exist. I get the same error
when executing the SQL in psql directly.

I hadn't seen that the m2m stuff was in the "AS" clause. OK, so
m2m_models_blog__entries is an alias for models_blog_entries -- I
*have* this table, but it has no column "entries". THis is what it
looks like:

# \d models_blog_entries

Tabelle »public.models_blog_entries«
    Spalte     |   Typ   |                              Attribute
 id            | integer | not null default
 blog_id       | integer | not null
 submission_id | integer | not null
    »models_blog_entries_pkey« PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    »models_blog_entries_blog_id_key« UNIQUE, btree (blog_id,
    »models_blog_entries_blog_id_fkey« FOREIGN KEY (blog_id)
REFERENCES models_blog(id)
    »models_blog_entries_submission_id_fkey« FOREIGN KEY
(submission_id) REFERENCES models_submission(id)

I also have these other blog-related tables in the DB:

 public | models_blog
 public | models_blog_entries
 public | models_blog_entries_id_seq
 public | models_blog_id_seq

If I do this:

Blog.objects.filter(entries__blog__id__isnull = False)

I get a list of Blogs which have entries, however I have duplicates in
the list, one for each Submission which is in a M2M relationship (i.e.
each Blog is shown n times if it has n entries).


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