just guessing.. are you developing on a windows machine and your
encoding problems occure on a linux machine?
did you tried the smart_str and smart_unicode functions!? these solved
all my encoding problems..

from django.utils.encoding import smart_str, smart_unicode

On 3 Jun., 11:18, "Henrik Genssen" <henrik.gens...@miadi.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> I do have utf-8 problems again.
> My dev-system works, my stage system works, too - but production does not. 
> And I do not see the error :-(
> As I think, it is a misconfiguration problem, do we have a checklist, what 
> and where to search for or test?
> I have seen utf problems several times on the list - maybe such a checklist 
> could help others, too?
> My problem is searching data with german umlaute using mysql backend - 
> something like 'f r' ('for' in english)
> regards
> Henrik

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