Thank you chr,

I've never experimented with managers, but it's quite useful.
I guess a custom manager is also the only way to have a foreignkey to a user
in a specific group.

But although I'm a bit further, I still don't know the answer to my
million-dollar question.

Is it possible to have an intermediary step before actually saving the
object. In which I have a custom view?
What I actually want is a multiple step saving process.

Is that possible without ugly hacks?

Thanks in advance.

Grtz, Dexter

On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 8:54 PM, chr <> wrote:

> On May 26, 7:02 pm, Dexter <> wrote:
> > Another thing:
> >
> > At the event model, it is unnecessary to display all the events in the
> > admin. How can I make sure only the events coming (ie
> > are displayed in the admin?
> i think a proxy model[1] might work where you set the default manager
> to only filter for all objects greater than now(). then, instead of
> (or in addition to) the actual event model you register the proxymodel
> with the admin.
> [1]
> --
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