I am using Django v1.2

The fixture I defined "forum_fixtures.json" don't seem to be loading
when I run tests.

from django.test.client import Client
from django.test import TestCase
from utils import *
from forum.models import *
from forum import auth
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType

class UserProfileTestCases(TestCase):
    """These are tests to verify that refactoring of UserProfile is
    fixtures = ['forum_fixtures.json'] ## @ forum/fixtures/
    def setUp(self):
        self.client = Client()
        if self.client.login(username='DickCheney', password='test'):
            print "client.login DickCheney successful";
            print "client.login FAILED"

    def test_set_new_email(self):
        orig_email = User.objects.get(username='DickCheney')
        response = self.client.post('changeemail',

I ran the tests verbosely:
python manage.py test --verbosity=2

Django only looked for fixtures named 'initial_data'. Not once was
there are search for 'forum_fixtures.json'

I changed the fixture name to 'initial_data.json' and it now works.

I just thought I'd post the work around.

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