On May 25, 9:52 am, Pirate Pete <peters.stay...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thank you very very much for your reply.
> There is still a few things i need to grasp.
> Firstly, why did you do this :
> annotate(rating_count=Count('rating')).annotate(rating_avg=Avg('rating__rat 
> ing'))
> as opposed to annotate(rating_count=Count('rating'),
> rating_avg=Avg('rating__rating'))

No reason, these are equivalent.

> Secondly, why is the average rating__rating and the count is only
> rating ?

Because you're counting the individual rating objects, but you're
averaging the values of the 'rating' field on each rating object.

> Unfortunately the code you provided doesn't seem to be working however
> that could just be my own ignorance at work.
> Does this annotation need to be assigned to some sort of variable and
> passed into the render or just run like you stated above?

Yes, sorry, assign it to the 'videos' variable and pass it straight
into the template context - you can delete the rest of the view code.

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