On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 7:19 PM, Mike Dewhirst <mi...@dewhirst.com.au>wrote:

> On 20/05/2010 11:00am, Lee Hinde wrote:
>> I'm working on an intranet app for a client that will have file uploads.
>> I'm early in the process, but have the uploading working just fine via
>> admin.
>> Once we get to deployment, I'm unclear on how to coordinate the security
>> that django will know about (group X has access to X's files, but not
>> group Y's),
>> When I poke around for discussions on protecting uploaded files, the
>> most recent and seemingly on point discussion is here:
>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2780893/django-authentication-htaccess-static
>> Which is basically suggesting that one hash the name and hope that
>> no-one guesses the resulting path.
>> What's best practice here?
> If it has to be secure rather than just wishful thinking the webserver must
> demand credentials. If you are using Apache, that means .htaccess files
> which point to a list of credentials for each group.
> Maybe you could obtain a django authentication backend which Apache can use
> as well? On an Intranet you should be able to access LDAP connectivity
> somewhere - Microsoft AD, Novell eDirectory or Linux LDAP.
> I'm very interested in your progress here because I have to travel this
> road in the medium term future.
> I have done a test implementation of Peter Herndon's django-ldap-groups
> with eDir and one of the next steps for me is to look at the Apache LDAP
> docs.
> http://code.google.com/p/django-ldap-groups/
> Good luck
> Mike
>> Thanks.
>>   - Lee
>> --
This is going to be a hosted solution and if I add LDAP maintenance to the
new things they have to do, I think they'll go back to shuffling Excel files
back and forth via email.

One Apache log-in and then one Django log-in? Blech.

Let's see what anyone else has to say...

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